Hexagram 27: Nourishment - I Ching 27 Video

Posted by Valentine Belue on Saturday, May 11, 2024

What Is I Ching Hexagram 27 All About?

I am the Chinese name of the I Ching Hexagram 27. Do they have inner and outer trigrams forming mountains over thunder? People also call this Hexagram ‘nourishment’ or ‘the corners of the mouth’ or ‘comfort and security’.

Hexagram 27 divination teaches you to choose your words wisely. The soul and spirit need nourishment as much as the body does. Just as food can be nourishing for the body, so are words. The words we use both verbally and internally in our minds can help nourish our spirits.



Thus, words that you speak aloud can have many effects on both the person you are speaking to and the speaker. Plays often have a dramatic effect based on the flow of words from the actors. But you do not need to speak to affect. Our thoughts can help empower or break us down internally.

I Ching 27 meaning - Hexagram 27 Nourishment

I Ching Hexagram 27 Interpretation and Meaning

Hexagram 27 calls for time to reflect on the type of words a caster is currently using. Are they having a positive effect to help inspire both the speaker and the listener? Or are their words being used to torment and break down others?



How we speak is a representation of our inner being and can often show the true side of a person. Use words wisely to prevent chaos in the world. It is easy to become angry and choose to use hurtful words. It is important to have a strong tolerance for what others may say to anger us.

I Ching 27 says the spoken word can often be wonderful. Music and the theater are ways to enjoy the words of others in a safe environment. Listening to the advice of loved ones can be very helpful and enjoyable. Sitting in on a lecture can help a person gain knowledge on a certain topic of interest.



These are just a few examples of the benefits of the spoken words. History is full of powerful speeches from leaders that have influenced a large mass of people to react. This might either be in battle or against those that would hold them down.

There is no limit to the power of the spoken word. Not all words are spoken, but instead thought and internalized. These words are also essential and work to either strengthen or destroy the spirit.



I Ching Hexagram 27 Goals – Personal Goals

Hexagram 27 Yijing is a means to help nourish the spirit. It strengthens the mind against our thoughts and the words of others. Thoughts of negativity and low self-esteem may have been flooding the mind lately. Just take this time to meditate and clear your mind.

Also, prevents the mind from forming these thoughts. Dismiss them as soon as they arise. Remind the mind of personal strength and skills that counter these thoughts.

I Ching Hexagram 27 Love – Love Interpretation

There is difficulty in deciding what words to use in a situation in your relationship. It takes patience and experience before it can become easier to decide the correct order of words. In any situation, it is imperative to remember that the wrong choice of words can tear down a relationship.

I Ching Hexagram Number 27 – Career and Business

Choose your words wisely when dealing with others in business or at your workplace. The wrong words can destroy a possible opportunity. This is under the influence of anger or frustration.

iChing 27 Judgment – The Judgment Poem

Perseverance brings good fortune.
Pay heed to the provision of nourishment
And to what a man seeks
To fill his mouth with.

iChing 27 Poem – The Image Poem

At the foot of the mountain, thunder:
Thus the superior man is careful of his words
And temperate in eating and drinking.

iChing 27 – Conclusion

The old saying ‘sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me’ is no longer relevant in today’s society. The impact on how we act and react to others verbally can have tremendous repercussions.

Practice discrimination and mental determination to be very conscious of the words you use. Taking the time to choose the right words for a situation is often necessary. Allow a moment to collect your thoughts that will make sense and be clear.
