Lies of P Boss List: Every boss in order

Posted by Patria Henriques on Saturday, May 25, 2024

Lies of P has numerous bosses spread throughout the vast world. Each one brings a distinctive challenge and boasts a unique skill set, innovative weapons, and attack patterns. Players will face two types of bosses in the game: main ones facilitating in-game progression and optional foes that provide rewards and upgrades.

According to the storyline, players will clash with the following foes in Lies of P.

Lies of P Boss List

1) Parade Master

  • Boss Type: Main
  • Location: Station Plaza

2) Mad Donkey

  • Boss Type: Optional
  • Location: Alchemist Bridge

3) Scrapped Watchman

  • Boss Type: Main
  • Location: Krat City Hall

4) Puppet of the Future

  • Boss Type: Optional
  • Location: Workshop Union Culvert

5) Survivor

  • Boss Type: Optional
  • Location: Venigni Works Control Room

6) King's Flame, Fuoco

  • Boss Type: Main
  • Location: Venigni Works

7) The Atoned

  • Boss Type: Optional
  • Location: Moonlight Town

8) Fallen Archbishop Andreus

  • Boss Type: Main
  • Location: St. Frangelico Cathedral

9) Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood

  • Boss Type: Main
  • Location: Malum District

10) The White Lady

  • Boss Type: Optional
  • Location: Rosa Isabelle Street

11) Mad Clown Puppet

  • Boss Type: Optional
  • Location: Rosa Isabelle Street

12) King of Puppets + Romeo, King of Puppets

  • Boss Type: Main
  • Location: Estella Opera House

13) Champion Victor

  • Boss Type: Main
  • Location: Grand Exhibition

14) Owl Doctor

  • Boss Type: Optional
  • Location: Barren Swamp

15) Green Monster of the Swamp + Puppet-Devouring Green Monster

  • Boss Type: Main
  • Location: Barren Swamp

16) Robber Weasel

  • Boss Type: Optional
  • Location: Krat Central Station Platform

17) Walker of Illusions

  • Boss Type: Optional
  • Location: Abandoned Apartment

18) Corrupted Parade Master

  • Boss Type: Main
  • Location: Cersani Alley

19) Black Rabbit Brotherhood (Battle Manic, Eccentric, Youngest & Eldest)

  • Boss Type: Main
  • Location: Relic of Trismegistus

20) Door Guardian

  • Boss Type: Optional
  • Location: Arche Abbey

21) Black Cat

  • Boss Type: Optional
  • Location: Arch Abbey Outer Wall

22) Laxasia, the Complete

  • Boss Type: Main
  • Location: Arche Abbey

23) Red Fox

  • Boss Type: Optional
  • Location: Arche Abbey Upper Area

24) Simon Manus, Awakened God

  • Boss Type: Main
  • Location: Arche Abbey

25) Nameless Puppet

  • Boss Type: Main
  • Location: Under the Abyss

That covers every boss in Lies of P. It is worth noting that the player may opt to skip the optional bosses and complete the story by defeating the main bosses. However, they might miss out on powerful rewards and upgrades provided in these battles.

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